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This program offers two distinct but complementary courses in painting and drawing/shading, tailored to each age group’s developmental needs and artistic skill level. Each course consists of 6 sessions designed for beginners, introducing foundational techniques that can be applied to more advanced art forms in the future.

Participants can enrol in either the painting course or the drawing/shading course, or both, to gain comprehensive experience in artistic expression, technique, and creative thinking.

Painting Course Outline (6 Sessions)

Kids (6-12)

• Day 1: Introduction to Materials & Sketching

Explore acrylic paints, brushes, and canvas. Engage in simple sketching exercises to plan a

colorful project (e.g., painting their favorite fruit or toy).

• Day 2: Color Theory Basics & Block Painting

Hands-on color mixing and learning about primary, secondary, and tertiary colors. Begin

applying large blocks of color to the project, encouraging creativity.

• Day 3: Light & Shadow Introduction

Introduce light and shadow concepts, adding darker and lighter shades to create dimension in

the painting.

• Day 4: Adding Texture & Details

Use different brush techniques to create texture and start adding small details to the artwork.

• Day 5: Final Touches

Refine colors, shadows, and highlights to give the painting a polished look.

• Day 6: Mini Art Showcase

Complete the artwork and participate in a group presentation, reflecting on their learning and

creative journey.

Teens (13-17)

• Day 1: Introduction to Acrylics & Composition

Introduction to materials and composition. Start sketching the first project (still life or

landscape) with a focus on proportion.

• Day 2: Color Theory & Palette Development

Study color theory in more depth and develop a balanced color palette. Begin applying

background and large color areas.

• Day 3: Shading & Lighting Fundamentals

Learn about light and shadow to add depth. Continue building layers on the project.

• Day 4: Fine Details & Texture Refinement

Focus on fine detailing and texturing with various brush techniques.

• Day 5: Final Refinements

Apply final touches, focusing on shading, depth, and blending techniques.

• Day 6: Critique & Presentation

Final critique session, where students display their work and reflect on the creative process.

Adults (18+)

• Day 1: Introduction to Materials & Project Planning

Introduction to materials and planning of a detailed composition (e.g., still life or landscape).

• Day 2: Color Theory & Base Layers

Develop a strong understanding of color theory and apply base layers with an emphasis on

light and balance.

• Day 3: Shading & Light Techniques

Apply shading and lighting techniques to create depth and realism.

• Day 4: Detailing & Texture Application

Refine the painting with detailed brushwork and explore texture creation using different


• Day 5: Final Refinements

Focus on blending techniques, adding depth, and final details.

• Day 6: Critique & Exhibition

Final critique session and group exhibition, showcasing completed works.

Drawing/Shading Course Outline (6 Sessions)

Kids (6-12)

• Day 1: Introduction to Tools & Hand Skills

Fun exploration of pencils and paper. Simple exercises like shapes and patterns to build handeye


• Day 2: Shading Scale & Ball Drawing

Introduction to shading, practicing a shading scale (light to dark). Apply shading to a simple

ball drawing.

• Day 3: Outlines & Measurement

Learn to outline basic objects and measure proportions. Draw objects from observation using

simple shapes.

• Day 4: Shading Map

Learn to map shadows and light on objects, applying shading maps to create realistic


• Day 5: Adding Details

Refine the drawing with details like textures and patterns. Practice advanced shading.

• Day 6: Finalizing & Showcase

Complete the final drawing and participate in a group showcase to celebrate their work.

Teens (13-17)

• Day 1: Introduction to Drawing Tools & Warm-Ups

Learn about drawing materials and start with basic hand exercises to improve control and


• Day 2: Shading Scale & Ball Drawing

Explore shading techniques through a shading scale. Apply it to a ball drawing, focusing on

light and shadow transitions.

• Day 3: Outlines & Measurement

Teach proportion and how to measure objects for accurate outlines. Practice sketching simple

objects from observation.

• Day 4: Shading Map

Apply shading maps to identify light sources and shadows in still life drawing.

• Day 5: Detailing & Refining

Add intricate details and textures to the drawing, refining the overall shading and highlights.

• Day 6: Final Presentation & Critique

Finalize the drawing and participate in a critique session. Present the finished work and

discuss improvements.

Adults (18+)

• Day 1: Introduction to Tools & Drawing Warm-Ups

Explore advanced tools and practice drawing exercises to improve hand coordination.

• Day 2: Shading Scale & Ball Drawing

Create a shading scale and apply it to a ball drawing, learning smooth transitions in shading.

• Day 3: Outlines & Proportion

Learn how to break down complex objects into simple shapes and practice accurate outlining.

• Day 4: Shading Map & Light Sources

Create a detailed shading map based on light sources, applying it to a still life drawing.

• Day 5: Refining & Adding Details

Focus on refining the drawing, adding realistic textures and subtle variations in shading.

• Day 6: Final Presentation & Critique

Finalize the project, participate in a group critique, and prepare the drawing for display or


Program Goals

• For Kids (6-12): To nurture creativity through playful exploration of basic techniques,

encouraging self-expression and confidence in art.

• For Teens (13-17): To deepen technical skills and understanding of artistic principles,

fostering personal artistic style.

• For Adults (18+): To develop mastery over foundational skills, enabling participants to create

refined and cohesive artworks.

Course Fee Proposal (UAE)

Painting Course

1. Kids (6-12): AED 500 for 6 sessions

2. Teens (13-17): AED 600 for 6 sessions

3. Adults (18+): AED 750 for 6 sessions

Drawing/Shading Course

1. Kids (6-12): AED 400 for 6 sessions

2. Teens (13-17): AED 500 for 6 sessions

3. Adults (18+): AED 600 for 6 sessions